Case Studies

Charlie Hibberd

Published: 10th June 2024

Meet Charlie Hibberd, a Level 4 Construction & Built Environment Apprentice based at Henry Boot Construction Limited, Dronfield.

Recently, we sat down with Charlie to discuss his Apprenticeship, experiences and future career aspirations. His journey is filled with helpful advice and inspiring stories that we are excited to share with you.

Charlie chose to pursue an Apprenticeship with The Sheffield College, Apprenticeships+ as their training provider due to familiarity and trust:

"I had already studied there for two years, so I was comfortable with the college and I had pre-existing relationships with the tutors."

During their Apprenticeship, Charlie has developed a wide range of skills, both technical and collaborative:

“As an Apprentice engineer, some of the most valuable skills that I've gained have come from practical experience, advice from colleagues and more advanced engineers on the job. This knowledge has allowed me to successfully contribute to my team and my efforts on site.”

The support from Charlie’s Training Assessment Facilitator (TAF) and Work-based Learning Assessor (WBA) has been important in his development:

“They have motivated me to work harder and increase my engineering knowledge every day. They have been really beneficial to me by assisting me to improve my AutoCAD abilities, something I struggled with at first.”

Charlie also really appreciates the support and opportunities provided by Henry Boot Construction Limited:

"I have had the best possible start in the sector thanks to my employer. During my introduction, I was introduced to the CEO and every area of the company, which helped me to better understand the organisation and how its many divisions work together. The company values hard effort, and they notice and appreciate it when I go above and beyond."

Looking into the future, Charlie has clear career goals:

"I wish to progress into the position of a project engineer after completing my Apprenticeship and becoming a qualified engineer. I aim to perform to the highest standards and at the highest level of education feasible in my profession.”

Charlie is a shining example of a dedicated Apprentice on their way to reaching their career goals.

Discover our wide range of Apprentice vacancies by clicking here.

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Construction and Building Trades

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